Sunday 13th October and Saturday 2nd November from 1pm. Meet at Shorrocks Club Car Park, Lifeboat Road, Formby, L37 2EB HELP us clear a mountain of waste from our beaches! For children, there will be nature detective activities, games and beach crafts. Refreshments and equipment provided. Meeting place on Google Maps
Category: How you can help
Beach Clean!
Friday 19th July and Tuesday 30th July from 11.30am. Meet at Shorrocks Club Car Park, Lifeboat Road, Formby, L37 2EB HELP us clear a mountain of waste from our beaches! For children, there will be nature detective activities, games and beach crafts. Refreshments and equipment provided. Meeting place on Google Maps
Save Our Pod – Take the pledge
Take the Pledge Not to Buy a Ticket to a Dolphin Show
World Ocean Day Events
Join us On World Ocean Day. 8th June, 2012 Meeting : Liverpool One. Outside the Hilton Hotel Time: 10 – 4pm
Shark-fin soup campaign
They have been feared and revered, mystified and worshipped. For over 420 million years, sharks have remained largely unchanged after evolving into the and efficient predators they are today. On our blue planet, they have held dominion in the oceans and rivers with almost no predators or threats, until now. Each and every year up… Continue reading Shark-fin soup campaign
Why go plastic bag free?
Facts An autopsy on a small Minke whale washed up on the Normandy coast revealed that its stomach contained an incredible 800g of plastic bags and packaging, including two British supermarket plastic bags. In the UK, each person throws away over 300 plastic bags yearly, with each bag being used only for 12 minutes. The… Continue reading Why go plastic bag free?