Easy caring ways to help your precious oceans
There are a variety of ways people, organizations and businesses can help. Our programs are funded through donations of money, time, products and services, as well as through fundraising events.
You can help by becoming a volunteer, making a donation, buying a t shirt, or contributing marine art or photography for auction, sale or fundraising.
Organizations and businesses can help by donating or sponsoring a child’s education in a developing country, ie the Philippines or ocean-related experience. More details to come in the Autumn on Philippines Coral reef and Whaleshark Education Project.
Another way to help is by sharing information. Send us a story or a cause you feel needs our attention. Report abuse of marine environments. Sharing information is the key to education.
How You Can Help Our Oceans
– Courtesy of Ocean Wishes
- Don’t buy sea shells or shell products in retail stores
- Don’t buy exotic animals in pet stores that have been shipped in from other countries
- When scuba diving don’t collect souvenirs like corals or shells. Instead, take underwater photo
- Think about how your interaction with marine animals can affect their life. Avoid touching, handling and feeding or riding aquatic life when boating, bring your trash back to shore, and handle waste properly
- Inform and inspire your friends and co-workers to reduce marine debris by not using plastic
- Avoid putting any chemicals down the drain
- Volunteer to organize a group and devote some of your time for local reef clean up, pond clean up and neighbourhood clean up.
- Encourage Leaders to Protect Marine Environments
- Write your government and ask them to support policies that protect our ocean
- Tell your government representatives to increase funding for the conservation of marine environments for Sea Turtles, and other species
- Urge the government to learn from the 2010 Deepwater horizon catastrophic oil disaster and make coastal and marine environments off limits to energy development
- Report environmental disturbances of destruction to your local authority
Take Care of Our Environment
- Put trash in a secure, lidded receptacle – most marine debris starts out on land
- Use paper instead of plastic.
- Conserve water
- Take care of your trash. Properly recycle everything you can in your area. Composting all organic waste – and recycling paper, cardboard, cans and bottles – will help reduce the greenhouse gas emissions associated with landfills.
- Less is more: Don’t buy stuff you don’t need
- Bring your own containers for lunches and picnics instead of using disposables.
- Eat wisely. Choose foods that are local, organic and low on the food chain whenever possible.
- Make the most of seasonal foods.
- Take your own reusable bags whenever you go shopping.
- Visit local businesses and encourage them to reuse, recycle, and generate less packaging.
- Don’t smoke! Put cigarette butts in ashtrays, not on streets, sidewalks, or beaches.
- Go Carbon Neutral.
- Reduce your home heating and electricity use. A more energy-efficient home will lower your utility bills and reduce the emissions that cause climate change. Find out how you can increase energy efficiency in your home.
- Choose energy-efficient appliances. New refrigerators, for example, use 40 per cent less energy than models made just 10 years ago and would save enough energy to light your home for more than three months.
- Next car you buy make sure it’s fuel efficient and low polluting. A typical SUV uses almost twice the fuel – and releases nearly twice the emissions – of a modern station wagon, although both seat the same number of passengers.
- Walk, bike, carpool or take transit to get to one of your regular destinations each week.
And finally Get involved with local environmental groups and committees educate others.