Blue Ocean Planet run an extensive series of family and child friendly activities
Family conservation Education days and weekends
Discover and learn together as a family, we have a programme beginning for June 2013 to September at a choice of sites in the North West and North Wales
Indoor and Outdoor events and for the family
The following are fun days at weekends for children, to learn in creative ways, at various venues across Liverpool.
The overall purpose of these fun days and weeks ends is to familiarise families and their children with the marine environment, to inspire them to care about local problems and understand the wider global implications of our daily behaviour. The positive outcomes of these playful activities allow parents to want to see their own children inheriting a healthier marine environment.
NB: Parents can also attend
Make Sand Castles not Mess
Lazy Littering Campaign aims to collaborate with local communities to teach people about the implications of littering and how this is directly connected to marine pollution. Children and parents are invited to take part in local initiatives to keep their local environment litter free, in the efforts to protect our coastline and oceans.
In collaboration with major outlets, the organisation intends to begin a Plastic Beach Brand campaign serving to show what ends up on our local beaches and how we can help prevent continuous pollution.
Indoor based ocean craft days with art, masking making and puppets
All supervised by certified Teaching assistants
Nature days out to the beach
Marine biology lessons, Play, learn, beach arts, skill learning.
Weekend Camp
A very special Weekend camp at an Eco reserve in North Wales. Learn on site and stay in sustainable ecological cabins.
Enrol for details as places are limited – LINK to enrolment form